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- by Sol Katz
- A question that always comes up when
- talking with new computer owners is
- "What language should I learn?" For
- the C64, the answer must be COMAL.
- COMAL (COMmon Algorithmic Language)
- is the most user friendly language
- written to date. If you read
- Compute's Gazette, every couple of
- issues, there are programs to improve
- BASIC. If you're lucky enough, some
- of them work together. COMAL has many
- of these improvements built in.
- The most user friendly feature of
- COMAL is its syntax checker. After
- you enter a newly typed line, it
- checks it for mistakes. It will point
- to where it thinks you made the
- mistake and tells you why it isn't
- happy. Messages like "Expect a colon
- here" or "Unbalanced parenthesis"
- help you fix your mistake at the time
- you type it. As soon as you correct
- the mistake COMAL lets you continue.
- In other words, COMAL will not accept
- a line with a syntax error.
- The next really user friendly feature
- of COMAL is automatic formatting.
- COMAL wants you to be able to read
- your programs, so it takes out extra
- spaces in each line and automatically
- indents whenever you use structured
- programming. COMAL is a structured
- programming language, just as Pascal,
- C, FORTRAN 77, and COBOL are. Once
- you learn COMAL, it is only a small
- step to picking up other structure^
- languages. BASIC (an^ older versions
- of FORTRAN) depend on GOTO statements
- for branching, while structured
- languages only use GOTO for very
- advanced level programming, and
- rarely at that. The structures of
- COMAL include:
- COMAL includes its own disk operating
- system so you no longer have to open
- channels to the disk drive (eg. OPEN
- 15,8,15, etc.) before you can use
- your drive. You can look at your
- directory using CAT (for CATalog)
- without destroying a program in
- memory. You can easily LOAD, SAVE, or
- DELETE a program, all without the
- ",8" suffix, and/or without opening
- the command channel.
- COMAL is also user friendly when
- entering or editing a program. The
- AUTO command automatically supplies
- line numbers. [Editor Note: COMAL
- uses line numbers only for editing
- purposes. They are not used as
- addresses as is the case in BASIC].
- The syntax of the AUTO command tells
- COMAL what line number to start with
- and what number to increment the line
- number with. So, if you like your
- programs to start with 2468 and to go
- up with 3's, you can do it. If you
- want to delete a range of lines you
- do it with:
- DELETE linenumber-linenumber.
- You can also list a range of lines
- the same way, and to be user
- friendly, COMAL also lets you stop
- and start the listing by hitting the
- space bar. COMAL also allows you to
- use the existing Commodore screen
- editing capabilities.
- For advanced users, COMAL has user
- defined functions allowing for
- multiple statements and multiple
- returns, depending on the calculated
- values. Compare that with BASIC which
- allows only one statement. COMAL
- procedures allow local and global
- variables, and also allow passing of
- arrays as paramenters. If you don't
- know what this means, that's OK since
- BASIC doesn't allow it anyway, but
- FORTRAN, C, and Pascal use procedures
- extensively. COMAL allows you to
- create new commands using procedures.
- Then too, COMAL has Logo-like Turtle
- Graphics. If you've read about Logo
- and want to try it (or want your kids
- to try it) you can have it without
- getting still another language disk.
- In addition, all the Logo commands
- can be used within any COMAL program.
- COMAL frees you from dealing with
- many of the PEEKs and POKEs that
- BASIC requires. If you want to change
- the background, border, or text
- color, COMAL has commands to do it.
- If you want to use regular or high
- resolution graphics, COMAL has the
- commands to do it, and if you want to
- use the tremendous graphics
- capabilities of the C64, COMAL has
- sprite commands.
- These commands let you define,
- identify, move, and hide sprites. If
- you want to write games, COMAL has
- commands to detect collisions between
- sprites, and collisions of sprites
- with text.
- Now we come to user support. COMAL
- has a national users group, and small
- special interest groups attached to
- most Commodore clubs. COMAL USA
- publishes a magazine that deals only
- with COMAL. They also distribute
- public domain COMAL programs on disk.
- To the best of my knowledge, there
- are no national support groups for
- C64 Pascal, C, FORTRAN, COBOL, or
- Simon's BASIC. COMAL USA also
- maintains electronic bulletin boards
- (BBS) on several of the commercial
- telecommunications systems. If you're
- wondering why the USA (in COMAL USA)
- it is because COMAL is the official
- educational programming language for
- 5 European countries. Since COMAL is
- a "standardized" language, programs
- written on any computer will work on
- any other computer that supports
- COMAL, including the IBM PC.
- COMAL is available on the C64 in two
- ways. The disk loaded version 0.14 is
- on this Ahoy disk. A more powerful
- version of COMAL 2.0 is available in
- a cartridge, which works with the C64
- and the C128. It costs $74.95 plus
- $2.00 shipping. You can obtain these
- items along with 18 other COMAL books
- from COMAL USA. The standard
- reference book for COMAL is the COMAL
- Handbook by Len Lindsay.
- So, to answer the original question,
- COMAL is the best first computer
- language, but it may be the only
- computer language that you'll ever
- need to learn.